Tag: #careers

Thank You to My Community!

Thank You to My Community!

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Nathan Dumlao

Last week I had the opportunity to participate in a global career summit where my colleagues and I discussed what’s in the pipeline for our clients in terms of remote work and AI, and how we can help them navigate this very different kind of work world we live in.

I feel energized because after that week-long series I’m confident that I’m better equipped to help my clients bridge their current situation with their next career milestones.

But there was another benefit to attending the conference. After that week, I have to say I came away as grateful as I’ve ever been for being a part of this wonderful career-focused community, who, by their very nature, want to help others and are so generous with their ideas. I also came away beaming because, as I always do, I met some really cool people who challenged my ideas and helped me grow as a person and as a professional.

Community is so important, especially now. And I want to remind you that even though physical bonding may not be an option, there actually seem to be more opportunities to cultivate our existing community or build a new one. So many organizations are going virtual, and you’re likely to have access to more groups (and individuals!) than you had in the past because of that.

By the way, I don’t like the term “social distancing.” Can we just say “physical distancing”? I think it’s a much more accurate term, and certainly makes me feel less…well…anti-social, in spite of the circumstances.

Anyway, besides strengthening relationships with your all-important family and friends, the following are three ways you can build community:

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Don’t Let the Quest for Perfection Hold You Back

Don’t Let the Quest for Perfection Hold You Back


There’s a reason Nike has one of the most iconic and sustainable taglines. Their succinct “Just Do It” is something most of us can relate to as we’re tempted to put off even that which might help us grow. The reason? It could be that we’re fearful that the results won’t be perfect.

So last week, when I launched my podcast with a conversation on perfectionism with my colleague Pooja Dang, I hoped the topic would resonate with listeners.

One of Pooja’s mantras is to “Break up with perfect,” so I knew she’d have some opinions on the subject. And like me, she has personal experience overcoming the pursuit of perfection. In fact, the whole process around the podcast was a little scary for both of us, because, well…perfectionism. More on that later.

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Reading for a More Intentional 2020

Reading for a More Intentional 2020

My aim for 2020 is to be more intentional. Specifically, more intentional with my business and how I communicate.

This means I need to consciously make decisions on a daily basis to improve how I engage with the world around me. It also means a commitment to reading and following more authors and thinkers who can help guide me.

If you’re also pursuing this goal, the five books below are a great start. With topics that include building agility for a smooth career transition, plotting out a roadmap for a small business, and writing with clarity, they all inspired me to level up my writing, coaching, and productivity.  Continue reading “Reading for a More Intentional 2020”

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San Francisco, CA