Meaningful Productivity

Career Cohort
Career Cohort
Meaningful Productivity

I’m excited to have Pooja Dang on my show again, this time to discuss *meaningful* productivity. You can visit her website, to learn more about her services, or contact her at
Following are the instructions for setting the iPhone “do not disturb” option Pooja mentioned during the call:
If you don’t want to receive calls from certain people or any calls at all, you can create a group and put the numbers there.

Block All Calls on Your iPhone Except Contacts

Open Settings > Do Not Disturb.
Tap Allow Calls From.
You have several options, but one is All Contacts.

For a couple of great books on how you can improve productivity for the things that matter, I highly recommend Cal Newport’s Deep Work and Gretchen Rubin’s Better Than Before.

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San Francisco, CA