Listener Challenge: 1-Hour LinkedIn Spring Cleaning

Career Cohort
Career Cohort
Listener Challenge: 1-Hour LinkedIn Spring Cleaning

As a resident of Northern California, I’m grateful for the signs of renewal and glimpses of spring, after a whooole lotta rain.

Personally, I’m fine with the rain. We needed to fill our reservoirs, and I’m convinced the bursts of extra-vibrant colors are, in part, a result of all those atmospheric rivers.

Speaking of renewal, I’m excited to see the new roles some of my clients have landed recently.

And speaking of new roles, if you have one…

Have you refreshed your LinkedIn profile to reflect your new position?

If we’ve worked together on your LinkedIn profile, I’ve already done the heavy lifting. So a quick refresh should be easy.

Just remember that your profile is a dynamic site. It’s meant to evolve just as you and your career are. So be careful not to set it and forget it.

Below are steps you can take now to refresh each LinkedIn profile section, assuming you updated them before you landed your latest job.

The best part? Unlike house spring cleaning, you should be able to do this in under an hour. Tune in to hear what to prioritize, tips on best re-writing practices, and how much time is reasonable to allocate for each section. The idea is to avoid overthinking it and managing your time.

Here’s the link to the episode on Apple podcasts

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Connect with me:

For more tips and advice for your job search, I post regularly on LinkedIn (emilysfwong), Instagram (@YourResumeCoach), Facebook (@CareersEmily), and Twitter (@CareersEmily)

You can also follow my blog, sign up for my monthly job search tips, and schedule a free discovery call right on this site.

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