How Sleep Impacts Our Performance

Career Cohort
Career Cohort
How Sleep Impacts Our Performance

Terry Cralle is a registered nurse, Certified Clinical Sleep Educator, and Certified Professional in Healthcare Quality who specializes in sleep health and wellness. As Better Sleep Council’s spokesperson, frequent speaker and guest lecturer on the topic of sleep for schools, universities, sleep clinics, U.S. corporations, and employee wellness companies, Terry educates audiences on the importance of sleep to physical and psychological health, growth and development, safety, optimum functioning, productivity, peak performance, and quality of life.

How does sleep loss impact job performance? The American Academy of Sleep Medicine found that just an hour or two of sleep loss contributed to a 19% drop in productivity. Not to mention an inability to concentrate, memory loss, irritability, and weight gain…YIKES!

How can we establish a good work-sleep balance? Terry shares evidence-based advice on how to improve your ‘sleep hygiene’ by adjusting light, noise, and temperature in the bedroom; shutting down electronics well before bedtime; and separating work and sleep environments.

Feeling tired at work? Ditch the caffeine and take a power nap. The shift to remote or hybrid work has changed America’s daytime sleep habits to include sleep breaks at work. Terry believes that midday power naps—when done right—are a quick and efficient way to recharge during the day.

Terry also shares great tips for ending the vicious cycle of work anxiety, stress, and lost sleep. 

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