Don’t Treat Your Job Search Like a Full-time Job

Treat your job search like a full-time job.
Who hasn’t heard that from well-meaning coaches and others in our orbit who want us to get focused and get a job—fast.
Think about it. First of all, it’s nebulous, with no start or end date.
Second, it can be daunting to think about adding another 40+ hours to your already-packed week.
Even if you’re unemployed, you’re (hopefully!) either filling those traditional employment hours with upskilling or volunteering in a meaningful way that will help you advance your career and give you a sense of purpose.
I’d never suggest that you approach a product launch or bathroom renovation with a second-job mindset, so why would I ask you to do that with your job search?
Instead, I’d recommend managing your job search like a project, which means setting up a plan just as you would any other major endeavor.
Following are 5 rules to create a framework for your successful job search project:
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