
Reading for a More Intentional 2020

Reading for a More Intentional 2020

My aim for 2020 is to be more intentional. Specifically, more intentional with my business and how I communicate.

This means I need to consciously make decisions on a daily basis to improve how I engage with the world around me. It also means a commitment to reading and following more authors and thinkers who can help guide me.

If you’re also pursuing this goal, the five books below are a great start. With topics that include building agility for a smooth career transition, plotting out a roadmap for a small business, and writing with clarity, they all inspired me to level up my writing, coaching, and productivity.  Continue reading “Reading for a More Intentional 2020”

New Book Announcement!

New Book Announcement!

I’m excited and honored to share that my work will be included in Modernize Your Job Search Letters: Get Noticed…Get Hired, the latest go-to guide for job candidates by industry trailblazers Louise Kursmark and Wendy Enelow. A terrific resource for your career library, this book provides a sampling of letters in a wide range of industries, with additional information about the future of job search letter writing.

LinkedIn Etiquette Rules Your Mother Never Taught You

LinkedIn Etiquette Rules Your Mother Never Taught You

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So you’ve listed improving your LinkedIn profile and building your network among your 2016 resolutions — Congratulations! This is definitely a worthy goal and a valuable investment in your career.

As you work to build your brand on LinkedIn, remember that manners still matter, and will play as big a role in your professional reputation as any of your achievements.

Following are four etiquette rules to keep in mind and ensure that your attempts to grow your network and build relationships don’t backfire: Continue reading “LinkedIn Etiquette Rules Your Mother Never Taught You”

How to Leverage LinkedIn as a Recent College Grad

How to Leverage LinkedIn as a Recent College Grad

Since the advent of social media, much has been discussed about managing young adults’ social media presence. Unfortunately, that conversation tends to focus more on damage control than what it should be: the proactive exercise of self-promotion in the job market.

With over 200 million registered users, LinkedIn is a critical social media tool for those who are in the job market. But just having a LinkedIn profile isn’t going to cut it for launching your career out of college.

Use it strategically, and you’ll find it to be the best networking tool you’ve got.

Assuming you already have basic information in your profile (university attended, degree and graduation date), the following are key steps to enhance your LinkedIn presence and help you stand out. Continue reading “How to Leverage LinkedIn as a Recent College Grad”

3 Tips for Managing Your Activity Broadcasts on LinkedIn

3 Tips for Managing Your Activity Broadcasts on LinkedIn

There are times when you want to make your presence known on LinkedIn. After all, the platform is there to showcase how terrific you are and all you have to offer.

But you’ll also need to manage yourself in a way that supports your brand and doesn’t negatively affect others’ perception of you. The following are some things you’ll want to consider when you’re making updates on your profile, communicating with others in your network, or simply browsing other profiles on LinkedIn:
Continue reading “3 Tips for Managing Your Activity Broadcasts on LinkedIn”

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San Francisco, CA