How to Land a Job You Love AND Make More Money

Career Cohort
Career Cohort
How to Land a Job You Love AND Make More Money

Get clear on who you are and what you have to offer so you can attract the right opportunities and maximize your career potential.

Erin Thomas is a career and executive coach who helps high-achieving leaders land their ideal jobs and maximize their peak earning years. A former HR exec, Erin is a social justice advocate and ally who has been named a top career coach and a 50 under 50 change maker.

She believes that people should not have to choose between a job that makes them feel good and one that makes them good money.

“When I was young, I had a very well-intended family member tell me that I needed to pick either a feel-good career…or a job or career that made me really good money and that it was a clear decision point and I needed to pick. And I remember having this conversation with him thinking, wait, this just intuitively doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand. Why should we have to pick?”

Erin has since been on a mission to debunk this belief. She believes that anyone can have a career that they love and still make the money they want. She has five steps to help people achieve this, including understanding their unique value proposition, crafting their professional story and brand, and tailoring it to their audience.

In this episode, you will learn:

  1. The importance of understanding and articulating your unique value proposition and professional brand.
  2. The importance of being authentic and aspirational in your personal brand.
  3. The importance of networking and building relationships with people who are aligned with your brand.


Erin’s website:

Find Erin Thomas on LinkedIn

…and on Instagram: @erinthomascareercoach

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