What’s Next? Your Journey to An Authentic Career

Career Cohort
Career Cohort
What's Next? Your Journey to An Authentic Career

Carole Dupre’s commitment to helping her clients find their way to careers where they can bring their whole, authentic selves is inspiring and this episode is a must-listen. The best guide for such a journey is someone who’s been there, and Carole knows the struggles and the joys on the road to a meaningful career.

Carole is a nationally awarded marketing director turned certified career coach. At the peak of her 20-year corporate career, Carole launched a self-named side hustle that evolved into a full-time career coaching business for women, called HerNatureĀ®. Today, as an ICF-certified coach and certified personal brand strategist, Carole partners with clients to create their unique value proposition for roles that offer greater work-life balance, increased pay, and opportunities to make a positive impact.

Carole shares road-tested ideas that include:

šŸ’” Steps to take to identify a career that fits your values and relevant strengths.

šŸ’” Why we need to let go of our corporate brand and replace it with our own if we want to find meaningful work.

šŸ’” How to identify those transferable skills that will land you a role in a new industry or field.

Connect with Carole at:


LinkedIn Profile: CaroleDupre

Twitter: @caroledupre

Access the resources Carole mentioned:


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San Francisco, CA