Untying from the Dock: A Story of Courage, Resilience, and Amazing Fortitude

Career Cohort
Career Cohort
Untying from the Dock: A Story of Courage, Resilience, and Amazing Fortitude

In this very special episode, I interview my sister, Alice Woods, who set sail in the spring of 2011 on her 38’ boat, True Blue, with a small crew of mostly women on each leg of her journey around the world. This daring circumnavigation wasn’t just an adventure of physical endurance. It was an amazing testament of how we have the power to discover what we’re truly capable of, even while navigating tremendous grief. Alice and I hope you’ll find inspiration and a path to self-empowerment from her story. If you’d like to send Alice a note or questions, please feel free to send them to me, at emily@wordsofdistinction.net, and I’ll forward them to Alice, who will respond to you.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
San Francisco, CA